Guidelines and Cancelation Policies
All clients are solely responsible for reading and following our guidelines so everyone can have an enjoyable practice, while we maintain and sustain our community studio. By attending class you are agreeing to all our guidelines and policies.
studio etiquette
Arrive on time and always check in.
Being completely set-up in the studio at the class start time will allow you to calm your mind and warm up for your amazing yoga class. Be sure to arrive on time, giving yourself the minutes you need to check in, put away your items, roll out your mat, and gather any props you’ll need for class. We understand that sometimes there is traffic that prevents you from being on time, so if arriving a couple minutes late please be mindful as you enter the yoga studio and we promise our teachers will do their best to help you find a spot. If you are more than five minutes late we cannot allow you into class due to risk of injury.
Tell your teacher about any injuries.
We strive to make your yoga practice beneficial for you - - so, if you have an injury or any other contraindication let us know and we can offer you modifications before class even begins so you have the best experience on your mat.
Devices are a no-no.
Yoga class is a chance to escape the digital addictions and distractions we face in everyday life, offering you a rare chance to be fully present. By bringing your iwhatever (phone, watch, etc) to class (even on silent!), you’re distracting yourself and those around you. Please leave your device in the cubbies. If there is an emergency situation talk to your instructor beforehand as they will help situate you in the room in a place where it will not be a distraction.
Can’t stay for savasana? Leave before.
We all get it. Time is short, your schedule is tight, and your day is packed with need-tos and to-dos. But many of your classmates live for savasana, and by packing up and shuffling out during the most meditative and restful stage of the entire class, you’re disrupting everyone else and denying yourself the benefits.
The traditional benefits of savasana claim to restore your nervous system to its default settings and offer your mind a chance to sink into meditation. But above all, it’s a rare chance for you to do nothing for a few minutes. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and feel the weight of your body against the floor. It’s your own little R&R opportunity. Take it.
Absolutely, positively have to leave class early? Let your teacher know before class, position yourself close to the door, and be sure to leave before savasana begins. When it’s time to leave, pack up and scoot out as quietly as you can.
Clean up.
Yoga is a prop-happy practice. If you’re borrowing the studio’s props, be sure to return them to their rightful place upon leaving. If you’re borrowing one of the studio’s mats, be sure to clean with the provided cleaners and hang it back up. Leaving your space as clean as you found it is respectful to the studio and students in later classes.
Child watch and kids’ yoga.
Introducing children to yoga or simply providing them a safe space for their parents to claim the benefits of yoga bring us joy. To help minimize distractions to other classes, please quietly assist your child(ren) to and from child watch and Kids Yoga, reminding them not to yell or run. We appreciate your assistance in creating a peaceful environment for everyone.
class cancelation guidelines
Class cancellations can be submitted via your online account, the MindBody app, via email (hello@fusionyogafw.com) or text (260-750-6432).
Early Cancel
Early Cancellations must be submitted 2 hours prior to class time. Clients may Early Cancel a booked class 2 hours or more before class start time without a penalty.
Late Cancel/No-Show
Canceling a class within 2 hours of class start time is considered a late cancelation. We ask that you always cancel yourself out of class if you know you are not able to make it.
Class Pass Members
A late cancel/no show will not result in additional charges but will result in the forfeiture of the pass used to book. No additional fees will be charged but you will not be able to use this class at a later time.Unlimited Monthly/Couples Monthly/Student Monthly Members
If members book a class spot and late cancel/no show, this could result in a $10 no show fee at the owners discretion.Single Class Drop Ins
A late cancel/no show will not result in additional charges but will result in the forfeiture of the class fee paid. No additional fees will be charged but you will not be able to use the class at a later time.
Do not be dettered if you are waitlisted. 98% of the time clients on a waitlist get into their desired class. We encourgae not taking yourself off the waitlist unless you can not make it.
Getting off the Waitlist
If there is a cancelation and you are put into the class, you will receive an email or text notification. Your MindBody account must be subscribed to text/email notifications in order for you to be notified. To subscribe, visit the “Notifications” section of your MindBody account and turn on all notifications.