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Jñānam: An Exploration of Sanskrit, Yoga History, Yoga Philosophy & Stories

  • Fusion Yoga 6382 West Jefferson Boulevard Fort Wayne, IN 46804 (map)

Would you like to know why the warrior poses are named after a “very bad dude” named Vīrabhadra? Or what the purpose of life is, according to Patañjali?  Or who is the ONLY female character to have a yoga pose named after her?

Jñānam means “knowledge” and this workshop will be a survey of the many types of “knowledge” in yoga!  Subjects will range widely and touch on Sanskrit language, ancient and contemporary yoga history and  philosophy, as well as the richness of the storytelling tradition and the importance of storytelling in teaching yoga.  

108 Essential Sanskrit Terms for Yogis
Survey of ancient yoga history
Discussion of modern yoga history with emphasis on the Krishnamacarya (vinyasa) tradition
Survey of yoga philosophy, including vedic themes, the Bhagavad Gita & the Yoga Sutras
Stories!  The stories behind the poses, the heroes of Rāmāyaṇa,  and stories of yogic deities which ultimately help us understand ourselves and each other

* This module is eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits (for Registered Teachers who are not taking the complete 300 Hour program.)

Facilitated by: Cheryl Oliver

Dates & TImes
February 24 - 27

Thursday 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Friday 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sunday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Cost: $365 / included if registered in 300-hr teacher training

February 24

Ashtanga Experience

November 5

Yoga, Fascia and the Nervous System