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Yoga Sutras 201

  • Fusion Yoga 6382 West Jefferson Boulevard Fort Wayne, IN 46804 (map)

“Mastery of yoga is really measured by how it influences our day-to-day living, how it enhances our relationships, and how it promotes clarity and peace of mind.“ TKV Desikachar

This course picks up where Yoga Sutra-s 101 ends, and delves into life mastery questions and ideas, such as: why do we suffer and what can we do about it?  Is change possible?  Why am I so busy, yet feel like I'm not accomplishing anything? How does one meditate? And even, what is the purpose of my life?   Class will be mainly lecture and discussion, supported by other yogic practices including asana, pranayama, meditation and sound. 

-How to Meditate: Patañjali’s Instructions for Meditation. Everyone can benefit from meditation, but in 21st century America there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. Patañjali offers us very clear, practical (and customizable!)  instructions on how to meditate in an approach that is both relaxed and effective.
-The Kleśa-s:  To Become Happy,  Understand What Makes Us Unhappy. Both the ancient yogis & the Buddhists point to the kleśa-s, the "afflictions" as the causes of our suffering.  These afflictions distort our mind and our perceptions affecting how we think, how we feel & how we behave. Understanding how these thought patterns afflict us, so that we can change them, is a significant step to realizing true happiness.
-Cultivating the Opposite:  A Practical Technique to Feel Better Now.  Our thoughts are the root of our feelings and behaviors, not externalities such as other people, situations, and events.  This means that if we can train ourselves to think differently, we can feel better, happier and more positive, act more wisely even if the situation does not change.  “Cultivating the opposite” is not only a philosophical idea, it is also a powerful and practical skill that can be taught and learned.

Facilitated by: Cheryl Oliver

Dates & Times
September 25 - 26

Saturday 7am - 4pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm

Cost: $365 / included in 300-hr teacher training

* This module is eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits (for Registered Teachers who are not taking the complete 300 Hour program.)

September 24

Anatomy & Intelligent Sequencing

September 27

The Therapeutic Application of Yoga